How far are you from a self-managing practice?

Take our test.

  • Is practice ownership a massive cause for stress?
  • Do you face many challenges?
  • Are things ok but there is scope for improvement?Β 
  • Are you close to being self-managing?
Complete the assessment
Spot On Business Mastery Assessment

What is Spot On Business Mastery?

Spot On Business Mastery (SOBM) provides you, the principal dentist, with the formula for running your dental business in a way that achieves your financial and lifestyle goals without you being the driving force.

People are generally the reason why businesses fail or fail to fulfil their potential. Discover how to master your business, lead your team, attract the best people, and create an environment for them to flourish in a culture that has been created for success.

A powerful combination of theory, practical expertise and proven hands-on experience, this business mastery programme shares a well-used and successful recipe for building a self-managing practice. Pursue and fulfil your business strategy year after year – for as long as you are in business but without you having to be in practice!Β 

The Spot On Business Mastery programme will teach you how to overcome your frustration and fatigue as the fundamental driver of your business. Not only will you understand how to create a self-managing dental business in theory, but in line with the Spot On principle of working in partnership, you will be guided and supported through the practicalities of its successful implementation into your business.Β Β 

Find out more about Spot On Business Mastery